Friday, October 29, 2010

Gastric Bypass Diet - One Smoothie Recovery

Gastric bypass surgery can be the solution that you've been looking for. But before you go through with it, you need to educate yourself about all the complications, the special diet, the cost, the insurance, and the healing process.

Lets focus now on the diet that you should follow after your surgery. After the surgery your body has to go through a healing and diet training process.

There are three phases to this diet:

· Liquid Phase
· Pureed Food Phase
· Soft Foods Phase

You can see that it's a steady and slow progression from foods that are easiest to digest to foods that are easy to digest. You want to take a lot of time before you feed yourself foods that take a lot of energy to digest such as meat and steak and meat.

The liquid phase is the first 2-3 days after your gastric bypass surgery. In this phase, you will not be able to eat anything. Go easy on your stomach by just drinking liquids. That said, all liquids are not created equal. Stay away from alcohol, coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks.

The pureed food phase is where you get to make a lot of smoothies and fruit blends. You can puree almost anything but my favorite is a variety of fruit smoothies.

The soft foods phase will be welcomed because you can now finally eat some normal foods. I recommend mashed potatoes, yams, and other similar soft foods.

During this whole regime during all phases you need to make sure eat many small meals throughout the day and sip lots of liquids rather than eat fewer larger meals. Also make note that it is best to consume the eating at separate times than the drinking. You need to spread out your intake.

Your bariatric surgeon should give you a list of foods you can eat. The best surgeons tell you that you can eat anything that you want; but they make sure to give you a list of all the things you are going to want:)

Good Luck with your surgery and take care of yourself!

Kimmuel have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for gastric band surgery and great passion and knowledge for gastric by pass and all the different options & providersavailable in the market today. Find out for more info also here

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